Friday, April 25, 2008

week 11 word processing online at google docs

First let me say that I was blown away by the fact that there was such a thing online. No need for a fancy wordprocessor as the google docs seemed to have all the basics that you would need for simple documents./letters/ memos. I prefered to use google docs to zoho. zoho was having a lot of trouble with the site when I was trying to use it so I would much rather use the google one.

I am wondering how this would affect our library in relation to charging for word processing facilities yet to search the internet is free. One could argue that a customer could use the internet service for free rather than use the Word program on the computer for a charge.

I was thinking too that in relation to staff meetings this would be ideal for setting up and agenda as each person on staff could enter the issues he/she had that needed to be discussed. Branch libraries also could document issues and concerns, send in statistics on a spreadsheet, tell us the latest happenings in their library etc.

As far as the public go using the google docs is something they probably dont even know about. I am sure many committees could benefit from this if they knew it existed.

On a personal front I think this has been a great find. Instead of having to email so many people whether it be for work or just a personal thing, I could send them a code to check it all out online by clicking on the Share button once the document was finished.

I also cant believe that I have only one week left to do and then this is finished. I think it a great achievement as Ionly work part time and there fore made the choice to do the work at home so I could keep up with everyone and get the same qualifications and certificate that full time learners were going to get.

1 comment:

Sridhar Vembu said...

I am sorry to hear about the problem you had with Zoho. If you don't mind, can you tell us what error you encountered? What browser and operating system are you using? We take reported issues seriously, and would appreciate your help to fix them.

Sridhar Vembu